


Sunday School

Youth will engage with guest speakers and fun activites that help them engage in the lesson, and crowd games to peak their interst.  Come join us for donuts and fellowship!


Sunday Night Small Groups

Small groups are the core of our ministry to youth and our most attended program. Small groups allow youth to connect with their peers and go deeper in their walk with God. Middle School Small Groups meet at the DC (Disciple Center). High School Small Groups meet in local homes. Please email Emma Tuttle for more details.

Wednesday Night 2498
5:30-7:00 pm 
at the Discipleship Center
2498 is our Wednesday night programing. We meet at the DC, have snacks, play some 9 Square in the air, fellowship and have a lesson time altogether. 2498 is for all grades 6-12. The name 2498 is named after the house number for the DC. We want our students to treat the DC like their second home. Truly be yourself here, and invite your friends too! 


Tuesday Morning Prayer Breakfast
7:00-7:30 am

Come eat and fellowship with us!  We'll meet at the Discipleship Center!  Chef Angela makes a great breakfast week after week.
If you need a ride to school we will always be happy to take you.